Who should attend?

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) provides a wide range of services for Amity University Dubai lecturers, instructors, faculty, staff as well as external academic units including colleges and universities. CTL services are opportunities for our faculty to receive more detailed and customised support and feedback that develops their pedagogical knowledge and practices to enhance student learning.


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The centre offers workshops on popular teaching practices, as well as tailor-made workshops based on the needs of academic units. Previous workshops include Effective Remote Teaching, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Problem Based Learning, and Student Motivation. The centre also hosts an annual event in collaboration with other higher education institutes.

The calendar of upcoming workshops will be available at the start of every academic year. For further information about workshops and events, email


The Centre for Teaching and Learning offers numerous workshops each semester. The topic-based series of workshops and seminars are open to all faculty and staff at Amity University Dubai. Below are some examples of past offerings. For a complete list of previous offerings or access to the full session, please email


Writing Course Description Workshop

Speaker: Mr Mehrdad Mohasses, Director, CTL and Dr Elie Menassa, Dean School of Business

Abstract: A course description provides a basic overview of what a course offers. It states the importance of the course, the breadth and scope as well as the teaching and learning approaches in the course. The workshop provides participants with an opportunity to learn more about the essential components of a course description and develop a few course descriptions.

Assessment Blueprint Workshop

Speaker: Mr. Mehrdad Mohasses, Director, CTL

Abstract: An Assessment Blueprint helps faculty to design valid, reliable, and fair assessments. The workshop provides an opportunity for the participants to construct an assessment blueprint for their courses. 

Problem-based Learning Workshop

Speaker: Mr. Mehrdad Mohasses, Director, CTL

Abstract: The prevalence of project-based learning (PBL) and Interdisciplinary projects has increased significantly in recent years. This workshop covers the basics and benefits of PBL and Interdisciplinary projects as well as steps in the design and implementation of them.

Effective Teaching Workshop (Gallery)

Speaker: Mr Mehrdad Mohasses, Director, CTL

Abstract: The workshop provides opportunities for the participants to practice the essential aspects of teaching and learning. Planning and delivering engaging lessons, motivating students and encouraging them to reflect on their learning, embedding formative assessments in the lesson, and providing timely feedback to students are among the topics that will be covered in the workshop.

Open Educational Resources (Gallery)

Speaker: Mr Maroun Rayess, Librarian

Abstract: This workshop will introduce terms and initiatives related to Open Education such as Open Access, Open Data, OpenCourseWare, Open TextBooks, OERs, and Creative Commons. It also demonstrates the importance of OER Repositories for locating, using, and creating learning materials. Using Open Educational Resources can benefit both faculty members and students. It enhances traditional courses and course content, augments class materials, and grants students easy and free access to textbooks and other openly licensed learning materials.


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